What's new? November 2020

It's time for another round of updates from our fantastic in-house product team - keep scrolling to see what's new this month!

Email notifications for admins




Admins can now set email notification preferences! This useful new feature can be found in the dashboard Settings, and next time you log in you should see a handy pointer. You can opt to receive no notifications at all, or only selected types of notification. This will be especially useful for those admins who aren’t always involved in the day-to-day, but still need access to the dashboard.

Content notifications




While we're talking notifications...we have another new one relating to content. This will mean you can more easily keep tabs on how much content is being shared by your ambassadors every day and, more importantly, get publishing to your TAP Page.

Improved first use of the app for ambassadors




We've made some small tweaks to ensure a much better first use of the app for your ambassadors. After creating their profile on our app, ambassadors will now receive a tour on their first log in to show them different areas and give them a warm welcome.