What's new? June 2020

When we sat down to write this month's product update, we realised we'd been sharing these bulletins every month for a year now.

That got us feeling a bit nostalgic and made us reflect on all the hard work our incredible in-house product team has done over that time. To celebrate, we've picked out our top five new features from the last year - which you can find below.

Before that though, just a quick plug for what we do. If you are looking for a reliable solution to increase the power of your online recruitment, then our platform can really help. We allow you to really easily connect your prospective with your Student Ambassadors in private Chats, while you can also commission and collect Content and FAQ answers from your Ambassadors, to bring your digital channels to life, show off authentic insights on student life, and give your prospects the information they need to make a confident decision about their future.

We're offering a period of three months' free use of all our features for new partners, to give you a chance to really get to know us and our platform, and see what it can do for you. If you'd like to find out more, get in touch and arrange a demo - we'd love to chat with you.

Right, onto our five favourites from an entire year of fantastic updates - which was your favourite?


Tag Manager

Tag Manager has proved very useful. It gives admins with a way of adding, viewing and removing tags to different content types in the dashboard. This includes Ambassador profiles, FAQs and photo/video posts. 

In short, Tag Manager allows better grouping and control of your content. It also provides better search results and filtering on the TAP Page for your prospective students.

Tagging enhances search across the TAP Page. If you want to add a searchable term to a piece of content, but you don't want this to be visible anywhere on the profile, content post, or FAQ - adding a tag is the solution.

For more info on the Tag Manager and how to use it, head to our Help Centre. Also, if you’d like to see it in action then check out how Africa University, UEA, and Newcastle University are making use of it in their drop down menus for key topics.

Improved reporting

We’ve made big improvements to the reporting functionality within the admin dashboard over the last year.

Whether it’s detailed overviews for each feature - Chat, Content and FAQs - prospect reports, or the ability to take a deep-dive on likes, views and shares of your Content and FAQs, it’s all there and you can track everything in handy graphs too.

Check out the reporting tab on your dashboard now if you haven’t already.

Likes and shares on Content and FAQs

While we’re talking likes and shares, that’s something else we’ve rolled out this year; for each FAQ and each piece of Content published to your TAP Page, prospects can now like and share them.

Not only has this made your TAP Page even more interactive but, as we’ve already mentioned above, you can track all of these engagements in the reporting tab.

SMS notifications

This new feature has made it even easier for your prospects to stay connected to your Ambassadors - SMS notifications. 

Students signing up to chat to your Ambassadors now have the option to receive notifications via SMS instead of email, which will help to keep conversations going for longer, and at a speedier rate of exchange!

Content schedule

Finally, one of our most recent updates - our fantastic content schedule! 

The Content Schedule is designed to help you to plan ahead content requests for your Ambassadors in line with your content plan. Essentially, it’s a content calendar that will automatically send out content requests to your Ambassadors, which they’ll receive as a push notification and be able to respond to. 

We also have some default suggestions in there to get you started, which you can deactivate if you’d like to. It’s a big time saver!