What's new? August 2019

It's time for our monthly roundup of our latest new features that you will definitely want to know about and start using.

This month, we’re very excited to bring you news of three helpful improvements for you - one around video, one on captions and another on admin and ambassador controls.

Video upgrade - now ready for bigger and longer files!


We’ve really ramped up our capacity for larger file sizes, which is great when it comes to video.

Your ambassadors can now upload longer videos, and these can obviously be shared on your TAP Page and social media channels as usual. Not only that, this improved capacity for longer videos better supports making vlog-style content to showcase your campus life.

Pretty cool, right?

Caption editing improvements


Up until now, admins could only add or edit captions when posting content to their website or social media, but you couldn’t save those captions. 

Now, admins can add, edit and save captions on content in their gallery. This is handy because you can prepare and save all of your posts and then publish them when you like. 

This is super useful if you get lots of content uploaded in one go and want to amend all the captions ready for later.

Better admins controls across chats


Admins can now add ambassadors to chat conversations - for example, to give a prospect more specific information about a course or for additional insights to university life. 

In addition to ambassadors being able to add their fellow ambassadors to conversations, they can now also remove other ambassadors - just in case of a mistake and also handy for general management of the conversation. 

Lastly, ambassadors can also leave a conversation if they feel they no longer need to be a part of it, for example, if they’ve looped someone else in and their work is done!