TAP in the wild: University of Wollongong now live!

We’re really pleased to welcome the latest new addition to our ever-growing ANZ family; the University of Wollongong is now live on our platform!

Wollongong is now working with us to drive its peer recruitment efforts - you can view their TAP Page right now.

We’ve been really impressed at how quickly the Wollongong Ambassadors have embraced our platform and jumped into their role; they’ve already posted campus tours, useful information and, in honour of the Wollongong mascot Baxter, ducks!

The University of Wollongong traces its origins to 1951, and has since grown into an international university with over 30,000 students spread across nine domestic campuses and four international centres.

If you’d like to find out how our platform could help transform your student recruitment efforts, and make it incredibly easy for your Student Ambassadors to connect with prospective students from all over the world, get in touch and book a demo today! We also offer three months of free usage to all new partners.