TAP in the wild: UGC from NCUK

We love nothing more than seeing amazing, Student Ambassador-created content transition from our platform to the wider world - and it’s something our partners NCUK have been doing brilliantly.

Regular readers of this blog will remember seeing how NCUK were using their Ambassadors’ introduction videos as Instagram Stories content. Well, they haven’t stopped there!

They also asked their Ambassadors to share their experience of NCUK via The Access Platform, before pulling together those testimonials into one, excellent video.

Check it out!








This video shows that content created by your Ambassadors doesn’t have to just sit on your TAP Page - you can download that content from your dashboard and get creative with it!

Who says that content creation has to stop over the summer holidays? And who says that good marketing videos have to include a cross-campus drone montage? Not us!

Get your students to do the talking, and let them be the core of all of your content and campaigns.

Interested in how we might be able to help with your peer recruitment efforts? Get in touch now and book a demo.