What we did this summer

Well, that’s it then. Summer is done here in the UK and we’ve all been grabbing for our knitwear since Autumn made its arrival earlier this week.

It’s that time of year where people reflect on what they got up to over the summer, and that’s exactly what we want to do in this blog post!

Despite the unprecedented and plain weird world we’ve been living in these past few months, summer 2020 has been a significant one for us here at TAP HQ; it’s been a flurry of exciting news, useful content, and plenty of new partners joining our extended family.

Exciting news

Where do we begin on this? We’ve had two new customer success managers join us - Irina and Tom - who both hit the ground running and already feel like they’ve been part of our squad for years.

We’ve also opened an office in Sydney to offer our growing number of partners in Australia and New Zealand more hands-on support; in fact, our co-founder Nik is moving out there later this year to grow that offering further.

Untitled design (19)
Not only that, we were part of the Sutton Trust’s online summer schools programme and trained hundreds of their ambassadors to get them set to support thousands of young people and answer any questions they might have about their higher education choices - it was a fantastic project to be part of.

Then, there’s the wealth of great updates to our platform from our fantastic in-house product team, including our excellent content schedule, desktop Chat functionality, and a really neat My Profile section in the ambassador app, which includes a fantastic new time report feature.

Not bad, right?

Useful content

If you’re after some great things to read, watch and listen to, we can definitely help with that - starting with our very own conference!

Back in June, we put together a terrific one-day, online conference looking at the future of student recruitment post Covid-19, with speakers from Australia, the UK and the USA. It was a great day and resulted in lots of learning to be had - do check out the replay if you missed it the first time around.

Tied in with our conference, we also launched our latest white paper - which also looked at the future of student recruitment once the pandemic has passed. Do make sure you download your free copy.

White paper blog graphic

Also, we’ve supported our partners in turning their open days and campus visit into online events - allowing those vital peer-to-peer conversations to still take place and still be incredibly effective. Check out this blog post that covered three such examples.

Aside from that, we’ve also got new case studies showing fantastic uses of our platform from the University of Adelaide, the University of Sheffield, RMIT, the University of Sunderland and NCUK.

Oh, and lastly, if you’ve still not checked out our podcast Inspiration on TAP there are two full seasons waiting for your ears. Find the show on Spotify, or wherever else you listen to podcasts.

New partners galore

Last but by no means least, this summer has seen us welcome a large number of new partners to our family. Below are just some of our new partners, along with links to their TAP Pages.

University of Queensland

Massey University


University of Sydney

University of the Commonwealth Caribbean

GM Higher

INTO London


INTO Suffolk

St Anne’s College, Oxford

Manchester Metropolitan University

Swinburne University

Oxford International Education Group

University of Technology Sydney (domestic)

Not a bad summer, right? Bring on the Autumn!

If you think we can help with your peer recruitment efforts, or you’d just like to find out more about us and our period of three months’ free usage of our platform, don’t hesitate to get in touch and book a demo.