Inspiration on TAP episode 2 - Katy Duddell

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Being a team of one - or even a tiny team of two or three - equal parts challenging and rewarding, and it’s certainly worth taking any inspiration and advice you can to make your working lives run a little smoother. That means listening to wise folk like Katy Duddell.

Katy is the Social Media and Conversion Co-ordinator at York St York University in the north of England and is a team of one. In fact, she is the *go-to* team of one for our sector and has become something of an expert on the subject – blogging about it and speaking at conferences. She gave one such session at this Spring’s CASE Social media and Community conference, after which I sat down with her to pick her brains on how small teams can not only cope, but thrive. Katy delivered with a host of great advice, so grab a notebook and pay attention!

Find Katy on Twitter @katyduddell

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