Guest post: How to “ace” being a student ambassador

We're delighted to welcome Wahida Ashiq to our blog for this excellent guest post. Wahida is the founder of Great British Mag, a digital magazine for international students. Keep reading for Wahida's tips on how to be a fantastic Student Ambassador. Over to Wahida...
So, you wanted to get something meaningful on your CV, earn some money and thought being an ambassador for your university would be the way to go. Now, that you have been hired here are some pointers to help you ace it and offer prospective students the insights and reassurances they need.
Put yourself in their shoes
Yes, it may seem like a long time ago but imagine how you felt and the questions you had before you chose your course and university. Acknowledging you had similar questions and answering their questions with empathy will enable the prospective student to open-up and ask you questions that matter to them.
Be objective about the good and bad things
You might be the only student they talk to and they will take what you say for granted, so be aware your opinions will really count and with that comes responsibility. Be objective and do caveat your advice and opinions.
Ask plenty of questions
Knowing what someone wants from their university experience is an important part of knowing what to tell them, so ask plenty of questions and do not sound like a script.
Be culturally aware
The UK attracts many thousands of students from overseas and they will want to know things about living in the UK and university life that will be different to the kind of questions a home student will ask. Do your research and speak to existing international students at the university so you don’t make any cultural faux pas.
Sell the UK to international students
International students want to know as much about British culture and the city as they do about the course and the university.
Get chatty, be yourself and have fun
Yes, this is a job and you are representing your university but enjoy it because you are really helping someone out and giving them the guidance and reassurance they need to make a pretty big decision.
This article was contributed by Wahida Ashiq, founder of Great British Mag which is a digital magazine for international students. Follow them on Instagram or LinkedIn.