Clearing 2019: have a fling with TAP this summer!

You don’t need us to tell that clearing is looming on the horizon; it’s a point on the calendar that is exciting and stressful in equal measure.

Clearing is a noisy, busy time and you to be doing everything you can to stand out from the crowd, have meaningful conversations with prospective students and, ultimately, explain why you could be the ideal fit for that student.

It’s tough, but our platform can help!

Here at TAP HQ, we’re passionate about helping Universities recruit more students by harnessing the power of their student ambassadors. Our platform offers an authentic connection to prospective students that can really make a difference at a crucial point in the recruitment cycle; like clearing.

With that in mind, we’re inviting you to become part of our family this summer by signing up for our exclusive clearing 2019 licence.


We’re offering a special deal to give you any or all of our chat, content or FAQ features for the months of July, August and September - making it ideal for:

  • attracting students as they research their options
  • converting them throughout clearing
  • further engaging them right up until they rock up on your campus and enrol!

Whatever stage you’re at with your planning for clearing 2019, we’re certain adding our platform into the mix this summer will give you noticeable results, whether that’s:

  • setting up a dedicated clearing landing page where prospects can chat directly to your student ambassadors and help you stay on top of your enquiries
  • posting amazing UGC to your social channels to showcase what life on your campus is like
  • sharing authentic, searchable FAQs so your clearing leads can find the answers they’re looking for in a matter of seconds…

TAP can do the lot!

And don’t just take our word for it; Bucks New University has used our platform and seen an incredible 24% user-to-application conversion rate. Imagine how powerful that could be as a part of your arsenal for clearing 2019?

Book your summer with TAP now and make this year’s clearing period the best yet!