📚 Good Reading on TAP: May 2019 📚

We’ve read a load of stuff and filtered out the good bits for you - you’re welcome!

We’re back with another roundup of inspirational reading from around the web and beyond the higher ed sector - that means videos, articles and visuals. Think of this as a complement to our awesome monthly newsletter TAP Cubed, which has more of a sector-focus.

Anyway, enough plugging our stuff; here’s some Good Reading on TAP…

Animals and karma - video

Reason #4759 that doggos are awesome.

European elections - video

Has a promo for European elections ever hit you in the feels as much as this? Thought not. Stay out the comments though, unless you enjoy hearing from racists and nutters

Lookout - video

This feels like an April Fool. To quote Graham Taylor - what is happening here?

Tik Tok overview - video

Some banging articles for you 🤜🤛

Hey good lookin’ - visual stuff 👀👀

This anti-human campaign from Greenpeace is excellent


These weird toys are, well, weird - head over to the accompanying Instagram feed for tonnes more weirdness.




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