📚 Good Reading on TAP: July 2019 📚

Time for another roundup of some of the best bits of the web from the last few weeks!

Here we go, it’s that point in the month where we pull together a load of *great* videos, articles and images from around the web for you. Think of this as a complement to our awesome monthly newsletter TAP Cubed, which has more of a sector-focus.

Right then, here’s some Good Reading on TAP

Herstory lessons


An app that uses augmented reality to celebrate stories of women typically omitted from history textbooks? Yes please!

The Pride Jubilee

June was packed full of excellent Pride content - this video marking the Pride Jubilee being right at the top of that list.

More baby-dad chat

Remember the babbling baby chatting to his dad that went viral last month? Well, now he’s starred in a commercial!

Good reading 🤜🤛

  • This long read about how brand Twitter has grown up is well worth getting cosy with.
  • Facebook has updated its terms of service to better explain how they actually work.
  • Arsenal and Adidas teamed up to remind us all why allowing the internet to personalise things is *never* a good idea.
  • When it comes to sketchy places on the web, 8chan is right up there - this long read about it is quite something.
  • There a bunch of Facebook groups where millennials are pretending to be baby boomers. It’s weird and wonderful.
  • Boomerang nude GIFs are the latest sexting trend, apparently.
  • There’s a real-life shop in London that is powered by AI and only stocks items that are trending on social media. No thanks.
  • Talking of no thanks, did you see the one about the influencer’s ‘surprise’ engagement that was actually entirely pre-planned and pitched to the media in advance? Get. In. The. Sea.
  • Curious about how the Brexit party did so well on social media in the recent European elections? Simple - negative messages targeted at older voters.
  • Tik Tok is starting to bring in the cash - as is ASMR it seems.
  • An increasing amount of men are making anonymous Instagram accounts purely for the purpose of perving on hotties and stalking their exes. That’s not weird at all, is it?
  • Most viral threads on Twitter are too good to be true - here’s five surefire signs they’re a fake.
  • Lastly, we can’t not include the story about the livestream in Pakistan that accidentally added cat filters to the faces of some highly important officials.

Some good visuals 👀👀

This surprising show of character and sense of humour from Microsoft Outlook was rather good.

outlook teak

These new adverts for Penguin books, showing battered, dog-eared and much-loved paperbacks are pretty much perfect.

