Higher Horizons+

pieces of excellent user-generated content to help fuel their social media channels and promote their work in an authentic way
target students have signed up and are engaging with Higher Horizons+ through our platform

direct message conversations

User-generated content

Higher Horizons+ offers higher education outreach to targeted secondary schools and colleges throughout the areas of Staffordshire, Shropshire, and Cheshire in the UK. They came to The Ambassador Platform for digital support in their school and college outreach work.

They wanted to be able to build relationships and start conversations with their target students, as well as provide accessible support and a safe space for questions about higher education. Our platform allowed them to do exactly this, while also giving prospective students a direct link to student ambassadors.

Higher Horizons+ also wanted an easier way to communicate across teams and harvest user-generated content to drive their social media channels and promote their work. Our Content feature was the ideal solution.

The Challenge

Higher Horizons+ offers higher education outreach to targeted secondary schools and colleges throughout Staffordshire, Shropshire and Cheshire. They came to The Ambassador Platform for digital support in their school and college outreach work.

They wanted to be able to build relationships and start conversations with their target students, as well as provide accessible support and a safe space for questions about higher education. Our Chat feature allowed them to do exactly this, while also giving prospective students a direct link to student ambassadors.

Not only that, Higher Horizons+ wanted an easier way to communicate across teams and harvest user-generated content to drive their social media channels and market their work. Our Content feature was the ideal solution.


Why The Ambassador Platform

“We started working with The Ambassador Platform because we wanted an easy-to-use question and answer section on our website, where young people could go to find our reliable answers to their questions if they didn't know who else to ask. Our Project Officers all have a profile on the platform, and are generally recent graduates who remember what it was like to be in the shoes of the young people we work with.

TAP gave us an easy to use, safe platform to make those conversations happen. We have had some real successes with the platform, including one young person who got in touch to ask about which engineering courses would accept their level 3 qualification and consequently applied for and gained a place at one of our partner universities”

Hannah Merry
Operations Manager
Higher Horizons+

Direct conversations

Our Chat feature meant Higher Horizons+ could offer their target students the accessible space they needed to ask questions about higher education and a direct link to current students for peer-to-peer conversations.

Safeguarding by design

Our ‘safeguarding by design’ approach to building our platform, with in-built checks and alerts, offered a safe space for conversation and matched Higher Horizons+’s passion for safeguarding.

Easy user-generated content

Our Content feature made requesting, creating, harvesting and publishing user-generated content incredibly easy and gave a whole new layer of authenticity to their social media channels.




10 outreach officers initially set up on TAP
Student ambassadors subsequently added
Content feature subsequently added for easy creation of UGC
Now at 23 profiles in total (13 outreach officers & 10 student ambassadors)


By using The Ambassador Platform Higher Horizons+ has been able to create an ideal digital space for their outreach work, an accessible and safe space for target students to discover more about what higher education might be able to offer them.

The Ambassador Platform generated leads! 23 target students have signed up and are engaging with Higher Horizons+ through our platform.

Those leads are converting to meaningful conversations. Interactions through the platform have led to 20 direct message conversations, 6 questions being asked, 1 phone call being placed and an average time of 4 and a half minutes spent on the platform by each visitor.

By using our Content feature Higher Horizons+ have been able to request and create 225 pieces of excellent user-generated content to help fuel their social media channels and promote their work in an authentic way.

See how The Ambassador Platform can help you!