What's new? March 2020

We really hope you're safe and well in what are unprecedented and confusing times. It's time to catch up with this month's updates from our fantastic in-house product team here at TAP - as always, there's plenty to report!
This month we do still have more updates to tell you about, namely new functionality to search for messages in the dashboard, as well as a global search in the dashboard and improvements to course sign up options in the app.
Search for messages in the dashboard
You can now quickly and easily search across messages in your dashboard and filter using the following categories:
- Messages you haven't read yet
- Flagged conversations
- Conversations containing keywords, for example, right now you might want to see how often 'coronavirus' is coming up in conversations
- By date
- By positive/negative/neutral feedback
This new search option is ready and waiting for you in your dashboard right now - why not start exploring?
Global search in the dashboard
While we're talking search, we've also added a big improvement to search across the dashboard. Whereas previously admins were able to search only by tags that were attached to ambassadors, FAQs and content, now you can search across these areas by name, course, caption, question and answer, to name a few.
Improved course sign-up options
We’ve improved the process for ambassadors adding custom course names to make this easier, as we found some ambassadors were struggling with closing the drop down menu - especially if they tried to add a bracket!
Find out how our awesome platform can supercharge your peer recruitment efforts - book a demo now!
In the meantime, don't forget to also check out our podcast and sign up to our newsletter!