What's new? February 2020

It's time to catch up with the latest updates from our fantastic in-house product team here at TAP - as always, there's plenty to report!

This month, we’re excited to tell you about new call to action buttons on Content and FAQs, as well as push notifications for Ambassadors and an update on what happens when content is deleted in the Dashboard.

New call to action buttons


We wanted to make it even easier for prospects to start conversations with your ambassadors from content posts and FAQs. So, we've added a new call to action that does exactly that!

In one click, a new chat is opened so your prospects can sign up and get chatting.

Push notifications for Ambassadors


Here's another way our app keeps your ambassadors engaged - sending them a notification once a week if there’s any new content from their fellow ambassadors for them to check out in the app.

This will make sure they don't miss anything in the app and also encourage them to create more content themselves 😉

Deleting content from the Dashboard


If you need to delete any photo or video content, this will now also remove career points and time spent working, from your Ambassadors.

This means you won’t have to pay your ambassadors for the time they spent creating a photo or video that you will never use - though we hope you won’t have to use this feature too much!

Find out how our awesome platform can supercharge your peer recruitment efforts - book a demo now!

In the meantime, don't forget to also check out our podcast and sign up to our newsletter!